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ParticipantHi, Keith & other gout sufferers,
I just donated blood, and my hemoglobin level was 13.8.? That is even since I’ve been cutting down on my iron in my diet.? I’m hoping that it will also help the uric acid level.? Been feeling good lately, but we still can’t get our monitor to work right.
ParticipantGreetings all gout sufferers,
I wanted to post an update about Purixa. So far this product is helping me so much. I started on 4/5 and started on one time a day for about a week.? Wish that I had the date logged when I upped it up to twice a day, but I was busy and didn’t think about it.? I’m going to have to get used to keeping a log of what I’m doing.
But after about a week, I then started twice a day, and on Friday of last week, I upped it to three times a day. I had started feeling even better on twice a day, and then I considered my weight and thought, hey, I’ll do it three times per day. That was the charm for me.? I was feeling much better on twice, but three is working good for me right now.? I’m no longer aching at nighttime. Before I started on more of the product, I was aching at night like I had the flu, although I didn’t have the flu.? It was this gout stuff.? And some crystals were probably breaking up.? I’m convinced 100 percent that the Purixa is a must for anyone if they are not allergic to milk. I have mixed it in nonfat milk, and it’s good.? I’ve mixed it in my tart cherry juice concentrate, and it’s good. Mostly I just mix it in my water.
Here’s a problem that I’m having, and it’s not with the Purixa. We had bought an EasyTouch UA monitor.? Last Friday I had tried in the morning to do my UA reading, but it gave me a 14.? I knew that was way too high because I was feeling so good.? Then waiting five minutes, stuck in a new test strip, and it says 3.3.? So we have some troubleshooting to do with it and just haven’t had the time to figure out what’s going on yet.
Anyway, another thing about Purixa is this, and I’m so sure it has helped me with this.? I’m now exercising.? I haven’t been able to walk any distance for years. I think it was in 2007 or 2008 that I hurt my hip when I fell.? If I’d walk even five minutes, it would stiffen up and just kill me.? Now I can walk about 15 through 20 minutes and no problem.? Then after our walk, I come in and work out on my elliptical for another five minutes and do a five-minute cooldown.
One more thing if you guys should try this product.? I notice only one strange comment at Amazon where someone said that theirs didn’t come with a scoop.? Well, consider that when this product is mailed, the scoop may be at the bottom of the container.? I knew that would probably happen, so I stuck a spoon in it and found my scoop.? It’s just going to get jiggled around in the mailing process.
Besides the Pruixa, I’m drinking my water, about four cups or a little more of nonfat milk per day, my cherry juice and cutting out most meat.? I do occasionally eat a little bit of chicken. Sometimes I have a cup of green tea.? Then I have two cups of coffee in the morning.? I plan on giving blood as soon as I can find out the info that I need to know.
Now if I can just get my monitor to work.
Thanks for posting that. I found one kind of close, so I’ll check into that.
Oh, I read a post that someone made yesterday about gout and giving blood. He said that he’s had gout for 20 years, and he gives blood all the time. It helps his gout.
ParticipantI’m trying to find a place now around my area to give blood, if I can.? I wrote to the American Red Cross, so maybe they can lead me.? I live near two small towns.
I was reading up on too much iron today when I had a chance.? It’s so scary, and it’s basically worse than being anemic. Also,? there’s more people today that have iron overload. What’s weird to me is that you can be anemic, but you can still have iron overload. And you have to get the correct iron test done. A CBC isn’t going to tell you if you have iron overload.? Dr. Mercola has a good write-up on this.? I didn’t save the article, but you can Google “Dr. Mercola, iron overload” or something.? He names the specific tests.
That iron overload can totally destroy your liver, various other organs in your body and heart.
ParticipantHi, Keith,
There was something that I wanted you to read, and I can’t remember where it was now.? Maybe I’ll figure it out later.
Have a good day! (or whatever time it is there)
ParticipantLooks like I forgot the link.? I had it open, but I forgot to post it.? I must be too much in a hurry today.? Here’s the link:?
As far as the product is concerned, don’t worry about that. Well, that’s the kind that I use and been using their magnesium for about 6 or 7 years.? But I’m hoping that you’ll read the information. They also have a product with vitamin C and lysine at the Vitamin C Foundation place.
When you get a chance, read this about vitamin C. It has some good information. After you scroll near the bottom of the page for the FAQs, read those articles about vitamin C.? It also has the book that I ordered from Amazon, which I don’t have yet.? It’s the one about Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C.
Now I have to get to work. Talk later.
ParticipantOh, Keith, I forget that you’re a limey:)? And I love it over there.? Only been there once to London for a 22-hour layover from the Middle East years ago.? I had always wished that we had time to go to the British Museum, but we would have need two weeks to property see it.? Also wanted to see the countryside.
Beano is what a person can take before they eat a meal that causes gas and discomfort. It’s like a digestive aid.
ParticipantThanks, Keith.? I was going to test next Friday.? I didn’t really know what to do with that.? My thought was that it needs some time to work on me.? I can test this week, though.? Basically I’ve been pretty ill since mid-Dec.? Except on Monday and Tuesday, I felt like a new person. That day my husband and I walked about 15 minutes, and then on Tues., after we walked, I came in the house and got on my elliptical machine and worked out 5 minutes on it.? I know that isn’t long, but that thing really does work you.? And walking for 15 minutes is a major breakthrough for me since I hurt my hip several years ago.
Yesterday I wasn’t feeling well.? It has been around 80 degrees here where I live, and then yesterday we had thunderstorms and it got cooler, in the 40’s and 30’s. For some reason, the cold hurts me with this gout.? But today I do feel a ton better.
ParticipantHi, Keith,I do want to tell you that this site is so informative.? Thanks for it.? Also, this is surely one complicated disease. I read places that say that a person can have high uric acid and yet have no gout.? Then some folks with moderate UA can have gout attacks.? It must have to do with something besides just the uric acid.? So maybe it is the iron.? As soon as I can, I may go and try to give blood and see if it helps me.
I am taking vitamin C, and it’s 4000 mg.? I take 2 pills in the morning, 2 late afternoon.? But it’s a sustained release on it, which is over a six-hour period, so it’s not dumped all at once, and it’s got L-lysine. I’ve read that vitamin C only lasts 30 minutes in our bodies because it has a short half-life.? I’m hoping this will help.
Well, have to get back to work. I’m running behind.
ParticipantSorry, I meant to write “since mid-Dec.”
ParticipantThis is very interesting. I’m currently taking Purixa (started last Friday), which has some vitamin C in it. Then I started a time-release vitamin C/lysine today. The lysine is supposed to stop you from getting kidney stones. I also ordered a book called “Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C” which has tons of references.? I think it’s said 575 references. It has great reviews over at Amazon.
Anyway, I’ve been sick with gout since mid-Deb.? I’ve been changing my diet up. Yesterday I felt better than I have felt in a long, long time.? Even before the gout. It’s been years since I have been able to walk any distance because of a messed-up hip.? But yesterday my husband and I walked about 15 minutes.? Today we walked again for about 15 minutes.? Whatever the reason is, must be too soon for the Purixa to work, I’m sure. Maybe it’s been my diet in general.
ParticipantHello gout sufferers,
I hope that no one on here thinks that I’m advertising stuff. I mentioned the Purixa on here because I found the ad that was about it. That’s how I found out about it. If this stuff helps me, then maybe it will help someone else.? It might also be good maintenance once a person gets their UA levels down. Anyway, I went ahead and ordered a second time from them because I’m going to take it twice a day.