Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! Gout Treatment new gout treatment (paper)

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  • #3329

    please read paper below and give me ur openions ( copy and past the link )


    The download looks a bit risky ZIED.


    This is a 2 page report from 'Science Direct' [+ added refs] pdf -and OK.

    Downloaded without problems.

    I think it will be of interest to us, after taking a quick look.


    Nope, nothing new there at all (the paper was published in 2007). Puricase was rejected by the FDA in 2009 on what appears to be a technicality regarding production methods. Think it's still undergoing trials.


    but do you think regular dos of vitamin (C) is affective in ua lowering??


    Only slightly. But if you are trying to control gout without urate lowering meds, it may be a useful addition to whatever else you're taking/doing.…..uric-acid/


    The paper referenced was a fair overview of gout meds. It gives the thumbs up for Vit C at 500mg/day which I often take anyway. This is not really a therapeutic dose by most standards – but ever little helps with gout, esp. if without Urate Lowering Drugs [ULD]

    It's better known to me for anti free radical use  {immune system] and also strengthening the vascular system-

    Good if you get a lot of nose bleeds… but supplements ,in my book, are best used sparingly and given frequent breaks. Vit C has been reported to be capable of making the body lazy 'going forwards' after heavy supplementation- levels in fruit etc are very low compared those in tablets -so that is natural marker for what may be reasonable long term.


    zip2play said:

    The download looks a bit risky ZIED.

    Yup, definitely risky, but leaves me pondering the right thing to do.

    OK, I know that the right thing to do is delete the link to a dodgy file.

    On the other hand $31.50 from $ciencedirect for a 2 page report seems a bit $teep.

    I've taken the cowards way out, and left the reference, but not as a clickable link.

    If any members don't like, please report the item with the “Report Post” button, and I'll delete entirely. Note that you have to be logged on to use that button, even though it appears to non-logged on users. If you click it when not logged on, the message from the form goes absolutely nowhere. Bl**dy forum software.


    I  downloaded the file at no charge, with no problems.


    Me too


    at first: thnx for yu response

    second : am not  a foxy  trailor am just a gouty person who want to share and help other without any benefits

    third : i am a Biology master student and i have had intrerst in any bio or medical subject

    fourth: im thinking to apply my master proposal about Gout 

    thnx mr admin for ur respect

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