Walking With Gout

Walking With Gout

I have replaced this June 2011 walking with gout discussion with Should I Walk with Gout. But you can still read the old details below. But you will get better gout walking information if you follow the links in this announcement: Walking, Swimming and Gout Update 1. Keith has updated Gout and Exercise to reduce Uric Acid to include new evidence to show that aerobic exercise for 45 days can reduce uric acid. Also, he has written new advice to answer Should I Walk with Gout. 2. I have grouped new exercise discussions for gout sufferers into the Gout and Exercise Forum. Similarly, I have created a Should I Walk with Gout Forum. So please join those discussions and add your own questions, experiences, and opinions about walking and swimming with gout. Please remember if you want personal help with any aspect of gout, the new place to ask is GoutPal's Gout Forum. So we look forward to chatting with you about your walking,...
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Don’t Get Hung Up On Gout Diet

Don’t Get Hung Up On Gout Diet

2011 Gout Diet Restriction Update Since writing this, I have published an article, Sensible Gout Diet Restrictions, which addresses the points I have covered here. Please read that article, and add comments below if anything is not clear Thanks to chelseacharliwhite at Flickr.Click on image for more detailsDo Not Be Ruled By Food It often worries me how gout sufferers get hung up on their diet. I'm not worried that it's wrong to think about what you eat - just don't get obsessed. Over half of the messages I receive are about food and drink. "What food should I eat with gout?" "What food should I avoid with gout?" "Will [food] make my gout worse?" The gout sufferer's diet questions are endless, and the gout doctor's diet advice is monotonous. No Alcohol. Avoid purines. Lose weight. Not particularly bad advice, but too general to be helpful, and too restrictive to be accepted. The real danger here is that gout patients focus on food, and not on what really matters -...
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Diet For Gout And Weight Loss

Looking for a diet for gout? Don't get obsessed with purines. Other factors are important - particularly weight loss. Gout has long been associated with weight gain, and many studies support this. I have often referred to Choi's study of over 40 thousand men. This study looked at men without gout at the start of the period, and assessed their medical condition after 12 years. The raw data has been analyzed in many different ways and spawned several reports. One report looks at Obesity, Weight Change, Hypertension, Diuretic Use, and Risk of Gout in Men. It is a statistical analysis of gout sufferers. Though some of the statistics confirm a risk factor for gout from hypertension and diuretics, the bulk of the report focuses on weight. The authors analyzed the incidence of gout with respect to Body Mass Index. Before we look at the results, you need to understand what Body Mass Index (BMI) means. Body Mass Index BMI is a simple measure of...
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Free Gout Diet Plan

My, soon to be launched, free Gout Diet Plan, is nearly complete now. I've been busy preparing tables on GoutPal.com - not that my plan is about measuring all food and living by a calculator - I just like to have basic food information handy as it helps with choices. When I've been collecting the data for these tables I've often wondered why it is that some people look for food that will help their gout, but most appear to be looking for food to avoid. These types of questions are quite important to how you try to manage gout. Do you look for negatives to avoid, or do you look for positives that will help you? Understand Gout Diet Plan better with the Gout Diet guidelines...
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Protein Rich Foods & Gout Debate

I'm currently investigating guidelines for protein rich food and gout. 'Official' advice seems, at best, vague, and at worst, confusing. At this stage, I feel we may well have to develop our own guidelines in order to have meaningful guidance on how to approach protein in our gout diet management. I am continuing my investigation into gout and protein, and I plan to add more articles shortly. However, it is important to me to look at what advice gout patients get from their medical and nutritional advisors. Please can you help here, and share the advice you have been given. It would be useful to know which country you are in, and if possible the qualifications of the person who gave you the gout diet advice. Please can we restrict this to dietary advice, especially where it relates to proteins. If your information is not diet related, I am still interested to learn about it, but it would be better if you found a more...
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Recipes For Gout

Now that the latest issue of my free gout newsletter is finished, it's catching up time once again. It is time to answer your short question about recipes for gout. First, a warning. I have seen hundreds of so-called recipes for gout, and books of gout diet recipes. Most of them simply regurgitate old, out-of-date, advice about foods low in purines. Purines and gout are not that important, and certainly not for vegetables. If you see any of these, and you are not sure about their true value for gout sufferers, please let me know about them, and I will appraise them for you. You might have noticed that I have started a new Gout Diet Recipes section. Continue reading about recipes for gout...
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